Meet TharPak Members
Leading the way in Clean Coal Technology in Pakistan

TharPak is a Group of leading multinational companies and educational institutions that have deep rooted experience in coal mining and clean coal technologies. The Group has extensively analyzed publicly available data collected and studies conducted, on the Thar coal resource. Based on that analysis, the Group has developed a strategy that will methodically alter the course of accessing and exploiting the Thar coal deposit. The Group believes that its strategy, grounded on sound coal mine engineering concepts and coupled with its unique commercially proven Clean Coal technologies, will allow development of Thar at a very large scale. The scale of mining helps determine the per ton cost of the coal. The larger the coal mining output, the lower the per ton cost. This in turn, brings down cost of the electricity and other products, thereby generating affordable energy for Pakistan.

  • TharPak LLC

    Integrated Clean Coal Energy Complex
    TharPak, LLC has been established for the sole purpose of organizing, promoting and implementing the Group’s stated objective of building an Integrated Clean Coal Energy Complex at Thar. Mr. Usman Aminuddin, former federal minister of Petroleum is an adviser to TharPak, LLC and Mr. Tasvir Husain is country director in Pakistan.

In Memory Of

Steven Carpenter

Steve Carpenter

Dr. Carpenter was an internationally recognized subject matter expert, expert witness, and transdisciplinary practitioner, focusing on the merging of the physical sciences with the social sciences.

Dr. Carpenter had 30+ years of experience in the energy industry A key supporter of CCUS and essential in the formation of DigiKerma.




Energizing Pakistan
TharPak: Affordable & reliable energy for Pakistan.